Got here around 11pm on Saturday night. I brought 7 dozen eggs with me and chicken. The chicken was frozen and got checked through with the baggage. No problem there. The eggs were in my carry on. No problem last year, but then it turns out that my first flight had a small plane that the larger carry-on's wouldn't fit into so they had to be "valet" checked. I explained that there were eggs in it and to be careful, but that didn't happen. Until I got onto the second flight and attempted to put the carry-on into the overhead did I realize there was a problem.
How did I find out you ask? Because it started leaking egg. I ran back up to the front, got some bags from the crew and cleaned them out. Salvaged about 3 dozen all together. Pissed me off to no end.
The weather here has been a bit overcast. Actually sprinkled a bit today. But I'll take that over the snow that's supposed to come this week in Michigan. Snow...already.
I started Saartje's Booties at the airport during the layover and finished them today. Well I still need to put the buttons on, but all of the ends have been weaved in and are done. I did them in black and white. The bottoms are black and the uppers are white. Now I'm doing the baby bolero from One Skein to match in black. This is at the request of my sister who is going to give them both as baby gifts.
The best part of the trip has been seeing my sister. The second best thing has been going to Joann's and finding the Sugar n Cream Super Size Cotton on sale for $1.99 each and the Sugar n Cream Stripes on sale for $1.99 each. I got five of the self-striping and seven solids in the super size. I a SO happy!!!! I also got a Lion Brand cotton in black. It wasn't on sale, but the difference was more than made up for with the Sugar n Cream sale.
And I picked up some notions that were 30% off. I'll try to get a picture of the booties and bolero. I forgot to bring my digital camera (and a couple of other things).