We've gotten the furniture in and a lot of stuff, but we're still packing up things for storage. We got help from 2 great guys via emove.com and they were amazing. We'll be using them again when we move the things into storage. They wouldn't let us do more than pointing out what had to go and they did all the hauling. Fast, friendly and reliable.
Still doing the unpacking after work and on days off. Heading back to the old place today to work on packing up more stuff. I've got my little crafting corner behind my desk and I'm itching to use it. The quilting frame is going in the living room. Fortunately, it's one that folds down and doesn't take a lot of space and I can pull it up to quilt. That's why I bought it when I was in my apartment in the first place. And I can go from small to king size. I've got to get all the pieces of it over here and put it up.
Anyway, that's the status on the move as it stands.