I've actually been getting a few things started and finished. They aren't huge items, but I like them. First up, pigs with wings
Well actually one pig with wings and one with a white band. I'm still thinking about giving him wings, but I'm liking him like he is right now. Also need to get some seed beads for eyes.
Next up are two very cool dishcloth patterns that I found at
neatlytangled's Etsy shop. The first one is A Practically Hyperbolic Dishcloth. All I can say is it's 9 rounds of perfection. It's just plain fun to make.
I used a self striping for the multi-colored on and a variegated for the blue one. This dishcloth almost screams for bright colors but I can see it in softer ones too because of the great waves it has.
The next one is Scrubbing Ruffles and is also from neatlytangled's Etsy shop. I didn't block this one, I just took it when it was done. It's like a granny block that's gone all curly on the sides.
And finally for this session are these which if I remember were supposed to be sunflower colored, but I took some liberties with the petals.
I wasn't too happy with my center round because it's all lumpy, but I can fix that in later attempts.
I'm attempting to get an 11 month start on Christmas this year. I'm hoping to do at least 2 dishcloths a month for use in gift packs at Christmas. I think I'm seeing a lot of hyperbolics and scrubbing ruffles in my future.
I'm also working on the sofa throw for my sister. I started over and made it longer that the original pattern. It's rows of a crossed single crochet that alternates colors every two rows so it's going a little slow. I've done about 10 rows and it feels like it's not getting anywhere...but I'm determined to get it finished.