And after they were finished and the seam was sewn, panic literally set in. I didn't think they would fit a small child, let alone my sister. But she proved me wrong. Here's a picture of the first pair. They are made from Malabrigo Lace 100% Baby Merino Wool in Verdes.

You don't have any idea how happy I am to see that they actually look like they are supposed to look on her arm. I also knitted a pair in Malabrigo that was shades of blue (can't remember the name right now) and the next pair will be black. My sisters only request is that I increase the sleeves by 4 more stitches on the upper arm. I'm hoping it won't be too big, but it shouldn't be.
While knitting the sleeves, I also knitted a few dish cloths and restarted the second sweater that was commissioned for a little girl she knows. Seeing as it is months late, I frogged it and went up one size.
I still have to take pictures of the dish cloths. I also have to make batches of peach jam tomorrow. I'm hoping the peaches I bought are still okay to use. It's been about a week since I got them, but something always seems to get in the way of my making them (like being exhausted when I get home).
So tomorrow, my goal is to take pictures of the recently finished cloths and make the jam. Piece of cake! (yeah, right...)
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