Slowly getting settled into our new place. Lately I've been going through my craft boxes sorting out, discarding, repacking...just trying to make some sense of things with a smaller area to store them in.
In between that I've started fighting another flare up of my Crohn's brought on to missing one of my injections due to disgustingly high costs (to the tune of $2,652.40 for my 3 month co-pay) so I'm starting to get that back under control.
While doing all of this I've been piecing some autumn color quilt blocks, working on finishing the last of the granny squares for a baby blanket (which then have to be blocked) and trying to figure out my next moves craft-wise.
Right now my set up has my sewing machine on a roll away table next to my desk, a table with fold down flaps behind my desk so I can iron, sort, whatever and a closet that will hold my crafting supplies. Well some of them, no way I'm getting them all in there.
I'm in a serious paring down mode. I've been throwing things away I've had for years. Use it or lose it unless I really want to keep it.
Tonight I start classes on income tax preparation for a (hopefully) part-time job come tax time next year. In order to stay on my meds I need all the extra cash I can get. I'm really looking forward to it, I like to stretch my brain and it has definitely been stagnated lately.
Well that's it. More later.
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